Ensuring Integrity: Best Practice to Prevent Exam Malpractices

The situation demands it! As educators in the field of higher education, it is common for us to respond to a number of questions, concerns, problems, troubles, challenges, situations, hurdles, pitfalls, etc. it may look like nothing but a synonym for the term or word issues. The way we (humans or society) perceive and organize information into meaningful patterns and wholes, as Gestalt psychology says, "whole is greater than the sum of the individual facts." While finding solutions to the broad term ‘issues’ we may have to look in to the leaf rather than see as the propeller. Then only we can find the solution to the affairs. The situation demands it! When I wanted too to contribute to the institutions best practice where college showcase the talent and faculty’s opinion on a platform like ‘FaBlo: The Faculty Blog’ I was in search for a better topic which is most suitable to the current situation and where I can contribute naturally more. The best talk propels to think about...