Touch Me Not
“The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children!”~ Nelson Mandela In today's world, child sexual abuse is the most common safety concern among children, with severe implications for the child. It is still a difficult matter for society and parents, with the majority of parents hesitant to discuss the subject with their children. There is never a shortage of reports of young children (both boys and girls) being sexually molested by an elder they trust or a stranger. Physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse or neglect of a child or children, particularly by a parent or care giver, is known as child abuse or child maltreatment. Child abuse can be defined as any act or failure to act by a parent or caregiver that causes actual or potential harm to a kid, and it can take place in the child's home, as well as in the organisations,schools, or communities with whom the child interacts. The issue is that they are completely unawar...