Touch Me Not

 “The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children!”~ Nelson Mandela

In today's world, child sexual abuse is the most common safety concern among children, with severe implications for the child. It is still a difficult matter for society and parents, with the majority of parents hesitant to discuss the subject with their children. There is never a shortage of reports of young children (both boys and girls) being sexually molested by an elder they trust or a stranger.

Physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse or neglect of a child or children, particularly by a parent or care giver, is known as child abuse or child maltreatment. Child abuse can be defined as any act or failure to act by a parent or caregiver that causes actual or potential harm to a kid, and it can take place in the child's home, as well as in the organisations,schools, or communities with whom the child interacts.

The issue is that they are completely unaware that something wrong has happened to them.Why is this issue being statistically so prevalent? Because the parents are afraid of distinguishing between good and bad touch. Young children, especially those between the ages of 10 and 12, are frequently at risk or targets since they are unwilling to distinguish between right and wrong. According to research, child sexual abuse can interfere with a kid's growth and development, children may have long-term cognitive and social difficulties.These illnesses result in a lifetime of mental distress and a child's poor mental health. Their mental health, in turn, has an impact on their upbringing and schooling. As a result, the most important aspects are awareness and learning. 

The effects of sexual abuse on children revealed that the indications of child sexual abuse vary depending on the child's developmental level. Pre-schoolers displayed symptoms such as anxiety, nightmares, improper sexual conduct, fear, neurotic and general mental disease, aggression, school issues, hyperactivity, and aggressive behaviour. Depression, suicidal, or self-injurious behaviours, running away, and substance misuse were the most prominent behaviours among adolescents. All parents hope their child to be safe at all times, and they want to provide them with a secure atmosphere in which they can develop without danger.What is the parent's role in this situation? They must speak up freely and should not be uncomfortable discussing child abuse with children. If parents feel uneasy discussing this with their children, their future generation will suffer. Parents want to keep their children safe from any unexpected situations. Children come into contact with a variety of people daily, both good and bad. As a result, parents should prepare and teach their children how to deal with any unusual scenario or unpleasant person that may arise. Teaching children about goodand bad contact enables them to become more confident, emotionally stable, and to develop normally.

 I would like to conclude by saying that teachers, in addition to parents, must be involved in providing proper guidance to children. They must comprehend the significance and present relevance of this issue.

Ms. Mini. V. K 

Assistant Professor of Commerce 

Al Shifa College of Arts and Science 



  1. Education begins at home! Parents shall remain intimate friends to kids. Such a friendship aids the children to be open, frank and act boldly in such situations.


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