March 8, national women’s day. In this 21st century, women face a lot of problems. People still judge her cause of some typical underlined laws. There is a lot of girls who still have to depend on her father, brother, or husband. Manusmrithi laws are still going on. A society with more than half of its population under identity crisis, where women are raised with the mind-sets of getting ready to be someone’s plus one, can only progress as far enough as this thought. Such a mentality hints that a woman has no identity of herself, be it at home or at the state level.
What is identity?
Erikson defines identity
as a “fundamental organizing principle which develops constantly throughout the
lifespan.” sense of identity is to tackle new challenges and different
experiences. It is a time of intensive analysis and exploration and different
ways of looking at oneself. It is a subjective sense as well as an observable
quality of personal sameness and continuity paired with some belief in the
sameness and continuity of shared world image.
Identity status theory proposed by James Marco, he believed
that three different areas of function- occupational roles, beliefs and values,
l Foreclosure- status in
when the person has made a commitment without attempting identity exploration.
This is often a response to anxiety about uncertainty or change during
adolescence or pressure from parents, social growth, cultural expectations.
They’re literally following in their footsteps. they’re well-behaved and obedient
children with a high need of approval. They get authoritarian parenting style,
they have a low level of tolerance and acceptance of change
l Identity achievement- the individual has gone through an exploration of different identities and made a
commitment to one. Individual deals with self-acceptance and have stable
l Identity diffusion- tend
to feel out of place in the world and don’t pursue a sense of identity-
neither explored the option nor made a commitment. They have little awareness.
This period is difficult for children and young adolescents. It may drift
aimlessly and feel little sense of purpose. They have low self-esteem. They are
easily influenced by peers, lack of meaningful friendship, little commitments,
l Moratorium- who is
actually involved in exploring different identities but, hasn’t made a
commitment. They can’t adapt to new changes and challenges like losing loved
ones, moving, starting new jobs. They are connected with mental illness. Time
makes them anxious and emotionally tense, becomes rebellious, uncooperative,
avoid dealing with problems, procrastinate, low self-esteem, uncertain
Identity versus confusion is
the fifth stage of ego in psychologist Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. This stage occurs during
adolescence between the ages of approximately 12 and 18. During this stage,
adolescents explore their independence and develop a sense of self. If they are
failed to find the identity, occur identity confusion and leads to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, occupational and relationship issues.
These theories are defining
it happens in every human. It’s natural. But the case of women starts in
society and so-called laws. We can start with childhood princess stories they dream of nothing but a prince who came to rescue them from a curse. What does a kid learn from
this? We can’t handle our problems.
Samskriti- it says”na stree
Identity is important for
every human. -Who you are mentally, physically, socially, economically,
professionally and environmentally. It connects with the individual to produce
social calling. It's our self-image, self-esteem and individuality. What is the
need for identity?- Beyond the basic need for a sense of control we are deeply
driven by our sense of identity.
HOFSTRU papers in
anthropology, volume 7, article 2, 2012- “womanhood is an ever-changing conception
environmentally set by her beauty, sexuality and gender roles. Cultural norms
to apply option between assimilation of ethnic pluralization is a difficult
decision if they assimilate into the dominant culture they risk aligning a
family. If they decide to remain plural they have to deal with not fully being
accepted by society. Gender is a crucial factor in the development of identity.
Sex roles have a pervasive influence on every aspect of adult life. The transition
from childhood to adulthood in the context of gender roles is already
problematic passages for females. They have to be pressed to maintain traditional
roles and values.
Ruthellen Gosselson (clinical
psychologist) in her research, on identity development on women applied on 12
women, found that the politics of women's body - sexuality, appearance, and
behaviour. How women either adhere to cultural themes of female sexuality or deviate from the social norms and the consequences that decision has on
women's life. Women experience strain on their social, family, and even professional,
relationship and environments.
like a lady
ideal usually stresses the importance of appearance, hygiene and behaviour. Female
identity formation is critical to the female individual because of the way in
which she defines her selves and what she bases her sense of self upon will. Ultimately
the foundation for her life.
Everyone is equal and deserves equality. Gender-equitable societies are healthier for everyone. Gender norms, improvements in
women's access to health care, reproduction right and protection from violence,
it affects positively on everyone’s life expectations. India is placed at 140
out of 156 countries in the gender equality index. When girls are educated,
empowered they uplift their entire community And damage gender stereotypes. We
are living in a patriarchal society in which women suffer toxic masculinity, misogyny
and sexual violence. True equality unleashes human potential. When women are
empowered our humanity is empowering equality benefit socially, economically,
politically and psychologically. Not having an identity leads them to anxiety
and isolation.
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