“The Impact of the Exchange Rate Volatilities on Stock Markets Dynamics” - An Article Review

 The paper titled “The Impact of the Exchange Rate Volatilities on Stock Markets Dynamics” was published in the journal HAL in the year 2019, HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents. The author Nesrine MECHRI et al., showed the effect of exchange rate volatility on the stock market with evidence from Tunisia and Turkey.

            The data of this study covers a sample period from January 2002 to January 2017, monthly data is used for the study, in addition to exchange rates, he also used inflation rates, interest rates, Gold prices, and petrol prices index in Tunisia and Turkey. To determine the volatilities of variables he use the GARCH model which allows identifying the dynamics of each variable in long term. Exchange rates and stock prices have a crucial role in portfolio decisions and economic development. The main objective of the paper was to study the impact of exchange rate and relative price volatility on stock market fluctuations over the period 2002-2017 and it found some interesting results, the GARCH model is used to measure the volatility of time series and we have applied the multiple regression to analyze the impact of the exchange rate and relative prices volatilities the stock market fluctuations. The study results show the volatility of the exchange rate has a significant effect on the fluctuations of the stock market prices. As well as the gold and oil prices volatility. And study reveals all the other stock market determinants were statistically insignificant.

A case from India;

In the Indian case, various studies were also conducted, which showed mixed responses, studies showing positive and other negative relationships between stock price and exchange rate. Below shows a graphical representation of the exchange rate fluctuations (INR VS USD) and stock price closing value (BSE SENSEX Indices), monthly data from 2010 to 2022 is taken.




By Suhaib P

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce

Al Shifa College of Arts & Science, Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna


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