Avatar: - The Way of Water

The movie I walked into with uncertain expectations. James Cameron's film has been the subject of Advanced buzz, just as his Titanic was. One among the Hollywood who knows how to spend $ 300 million, wisely. It is a techniquely break through movie.

It contains such visual detailing that it would reward repeating viewings. All the actors came up with brilliant performances. Jakes Sully standout by showing variations in expressions and emotions. He maintained the same intensity to make an impact. Zoe Saldana, Clif Curtiss, and Kate Winslet blended with him to elevate the scenes with their performances. The actors who played the roles of their children brought in good emotions to complete the story. With every pulse and vibration from the active non-stop pictures onscreen, the heartbeat and every resurfacing bubble-of-air, and from every fall of raindrops and rumbles of thunder to the crashes of waves and splashes of wings and tails, “The Way of Water” reveals a genial return to Pandora, but this time Pandora is way more blue and beautiful.

After 13 years of being in-the-making, it was worth the wait and this time it ends up pointing the way to an exciting future for “Avatar” and the planet of Pandora.

Loyal fans and regular viewers shouldn't hesitate to see such a spectacle on the big screen because personally, I'm certain James Cameron has given all the measures of his limitless and unbridled potential with this blockbuster.

Amritha Kumaran, Asst. Prof. of Commerce, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor 


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