Need of Health Insurance in the Modern World
India is the only first world country where the working people are afraid of their medical bills.Is there any need of health insurance in life,already paying thousands for life insurance.An eye opener to a truth is we take 30 minutes to explain details about health insurance and refuse it in 3 seconds. In 3 minutes the doctor says operation is apt and income of 20 years is blown away.The general public is unknown about the health insurance, Still there is many questions unanswered among them. First thing is what are the coverages provided in health insurance. Basic question every lay man should need this answer in their life. Rooms, Boarding expenses,nursing expenses, fees of surgeon, physician, consultants, specialists etc.. Anesthesia, blood, oxygen,operation theatre charges, Surgical appliances, medicines, drugs, diagnostic material, x-ray, dialysis, chemo therapy, radio therapy, artifical limbs and cost or organs.
The second one is what not included in a normal health insurance,all pre-existing diseases,claim during the first 30 days from the date of cover for sickness/ disease,during first year of cover prostatic hypertrophy, hernia,hydrocele,congenital internal diseases, circumcision unless for treatment of a disease.Cost of specs, Contact lenses, hearing aids, dental treatment surgery unless requiring hospitalization. Intentional self injury,use of intoxicating drugs /alcohol, AIDS, expenses for diagnosis, x- ray or lab tests and treatment relating to pregnancy or child birth.
The main reasons why you should get a proper health insurance,being medically insured can help you avoid facing financial instability in future and enables to get the best health insurance. You can get the coverage of hospitalization charges,the modern dynamic lifestyle demands medical insurance. Opting for medical insurance will help in retirement planning and enjoy the benefit of tax deductions on health insurance plan.After covid -19,the value of health insurance sector is growing. The health insurance sector paved a new era after the pandemic. Save your beloved and save your hard earned money, health insurance is not about the weight you lose,but about the life you gain.
Ms. Arathi. P. S, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna
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