The Bitter Taste of Rain

Rain comes running across the plain

Like school kids let loose four

Laughing, jostling rushing to where

I stand amused, enthused.

Rain is a memory of wet uniforms

Umbrellas lifted in the wind

The kiss of spray on the hair

Mud bath beneath your feet.

Rain has smell of falken leaves

Fragrances of sprouting seeds

It tastes like tender coconut milk

Ginger and jaggery tea.

Rain has a rhythm of thunder claps

The tendor of roaring sea.

It's dance is like the peacock   


Resplendent rainbow streams.

Rain is a pain of needle prick

Salt of blood and tears

Smell of sterilised loneliness

Music of ambulance screams.

Rain is fossilised memory

In the grant canyon of the mind

Raving forms by receeding time

Blurring the shape of space.

Ms. Rimshana, Assistant Professor of English, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna 


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