Eternal Rhythms: A Mother's Journey

In tender moments, when her babe did cry,

Her heart aflame with joy, let out a sigh.

Her radiant visage, touched by bliss and tears,

Eclipsed by excitement, hopes, and fears.

The universe, it seemed, conspired that day,

To burden them with love in its array.

Its weight, a gentle press upon their souls,

Embracing them, as destiny unfolds.

As time marched on, her steps grew strong and true,

Tied to the anklet, melodies she'd strew.

With every stride, they sought to chart her way,

Her blossoming smile, alas, began to sway.

Oh, how swiftly she traversed childhood's lane,

Her growth outpaced the swiftness of a crane.

Yet, as she journeyed forth, her spirit bright,

They yearned to shield her from the fading light.

But like the flower, she must face the sun,

Embrace the trials that life has just begun.

And though her smile may dim along the road,

She'll find her purpose, with a heart bestowed.

So let us cherish moments, sweet and dear,

For time's relentless march, we must revere.

With love and strength, we'll guide her onward still,

As life's vast tapestry we gently fill.

She spins and twirls, in constant motion bound,

Seeking the one whose lap with hers is found,

To share the days until the end of time,

Yet life's true essence eludes this paradigm.

If life were but a cycle, destined to repeat,

No history would exist, no stories to compete.

Ms. Rimshana, Assistant Professor of English, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna


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