Communal Harmony: A Need of the Hour
Secularism is one of the many imbibed ideologies in the Indian constitution. The word secularism is in the preamble as well. India does not advocate state-sponsored religion, nor does it have a national religion of any sort. India is home to citizens who have different religious affiliations. The principle of secularism allows them to practice and preach their religion.
The ideology of secularism does not allow a state-sponsored religion. Every citizen must equally be treated, and the state must not favor any one religion. One of the fundamental rights guaranteed is the right to freedom of religion; article 25-28. Citizens can practice and profess their faith. Communal harmony is the principle of peace and harmony existing amongst various religious communities, free from violence and hatred. It involves toleration and respect for each other’s belief such that non-violence prevails.
The culture, civilisation and tradition of
India is approximately 12,000 years old. The spirit of tolerance and
assimilation has made it possible for our civilisation to survive the test of
time. But with the passage of time, the growing attachment to one’s own ethnic,
religious, racial or cultural group rather than being a part of a wider circle
of the entire social milieu, has posed one of the gravest problems of modern
However, communal riots in India occur due to differences between religious communities. These turn incredibly violent and gruesome. Communal harmony is a prerequisite for a country like India, with its diverse population and cultures. Communal harmony ensures that every religion gets equal treatment, and tolerance builds amongst citizens.
Communal Harmony is necessary for every nation. Only if there is peace and harmony in the country can it grow. India is known to maintain communal harmony even as people of different religions and castes reside here. It is known for its secular ways. The state does not follow any official religion. It gives its citizens the freedom to choose their religion and change it at any time. Strict action is taken against individuals or groups who try to tamper with the communal harmony of the country.
The road to peace and harmony can never be smooth. Every nation has had its share of violence in order to create a society where all can have equal rights and can live with respect and dignity. We can't forget the Civil War of America, the division of Germany and Korea, the Bolshevik Revolution, the violence after the French Revolution, the prevailing disturbances in the Middle East, Israel-Palestine problem etc, the list is endless and the instances bloodier and more violent than the other.
India has emerged as a stronger nation, every time these communal forces have tried to test their secular foundation. One cannot sit back and relax at such times rather one has to work persistently against such forces that pose danger to the idea of a United Nation.
Communal harmony, the cornerstone of Indian democracy, is not just a necessity but a way of life. It is the thread that weaves the diverse fabric of India into a vibrant tapestry. Despite challenges, the spirit of unity in diversity continues to define and strengthen the Indian society.
It is we, the people of the nation, have to rise above these forces of dissent and division, so that India becomes a nation where religion of humanity is superior to every other religion.
Mekha. C. M, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Al Shifa
College of Arts and Science, Kizhattur, Perinthalmanna
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