NEP 2023: An Overview
new NEP policy 2023 is mainly focusing on issues like
accessibility, overall development, quality of teaching,
multilingualism, flexible learning, and continuous learning to reorganize the
Indian educational system. The 10+2 model
is replaced by the 5+3+3+4 pattern is the most notable facet of the new
educational policy. This framework concentrates on upskilling and enhancing
life proficiencies throughout all phases of education. This structure ensures
holistic cognitive growth among students. This structure encompasses an age
group between 3 – 18 rather than 6- 14, focusing on a large group of students.
Surely it aims at a high rate of literacy and a leap in the graph of national
A more
student-centric educational system will emerge and the teacher's attitude and
aptitude are always in the mind of the policy makers while framing the new
system. At the same time, it encourages
multi-lingual policy. It strictly instructs that teaching up to fifth grade,
maybe even up to eighth grade later should be in their mother tongue. This will
create a strong teacher-learner relationship, as the students can easily and
freely communicate with their teachers. The knowledge of their local language will
surely help them to enhance their knowledge of the local culture.
The New National Education Policy 2023 focuses on global
leadership rather than participation. World leaders should emerge from our
nation. The policy has four important portions: access, fairness, good quality, and responsibility.
fundamental principles that will guide both the education system at large, as
well as the individual institutions within it are:
• achieving Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.
• Flexible teaching- learning methods.
• no hard separations to eliminate harmful hierarchies.
• multidisciplinary and holistic education.
• emphasis on conceptual understanding.
• creativity and critical thinking.
• ethics and human and constitutional values like
empathy, respect for others, cleanliness, courtesy, democratic spirit, spirit
of service, respect for public property, scientific temper, liberty,
responsibility, pluralism, equality, and justice.
• promoting multilingualism and the power of language.
• life skills are addressed.
• focus on regular formative assessment for learning.
• extensive use of technology.
• respect for diversity and respect for the local
• full equity and inclusion.
• synergy in curriculum across all levels of education.
• teachers
and faculty as the heart of the learning process.
• ‘light but tight’ regulatory framework to ensure
integrity, transparency, and resource efficiency through autonomy, good
governance, and empowerment.
• outstanding research.• a rootedness and pride in
• education is a public service.
• substantial investment in a strong, vibrant public education system.
National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) was developed by the National Council for Teacher Education in its restructured new form as a Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB) under the General Education Council. Competency is required for all levels of teachers and self-improvement and self-monitoring are very much stressed. A revolutionary change that is going to happen in this community of educators is that promotions and salary increases will no longer be based on the length of tenure or seniority, but only based on the appraisal. The policy put ensures the professional standards will be reviewed and revised in 2030, and thereafter every ten years, based on demanding empirical analysis of the effectiveness of the system. So the policy itself is open for a kind of appraisal from the part of educators and other intellectuals.
Apart from the students, it will influence the teacher community also. The teaching method will be revolutionized by applying technology and it will be more skill oriented. According to NEP 2023, a school teacher needs to have a B. Ed degree. The main attraction towards this teacher education is that the B. Ed course must compulsorily be a 4-year integrated course. All these efforts are aiming to develop the quality of the teaching- learning process.
Special educators are urgently required for certain areas of school education such as specialist requirements including subject teaching for children with disabilities/Divyang children at the Middle and Secondary school level, including students with specific learning disabilities. They require the relevant skills to understand the special requirements of these differently abled children.
Major Higher Educational Reforms
A flexible 4-year
undergraduate programme is introduced.
M- Phil course
will be discontinued.
A Higher
Education Commission will monitor the quality of higher education.
· The National Higher Education
Regulatory Council will supervise higher education (except medical and legal
education), and a Higher Education Grant Council will fund universities and
colleges, instead of the existing bodies.
· Encourages international
collaborations by allowing foreign universities to establish campuses in India,
enhancing global exposure for students.
· To achieve fair access to quality education, both private and public universities will have regulated fees.
As with all the other policies and guidelines, NEP 2023 is
not at all devoid of criticism. Oppositions have emerged already. The time
waits for none and it is better to run with the time. Like all professionals,
there needs a sea change in the field of education too… Hope everything will be
good for the student community and to smoothen the teaching-learning process.
Bihar CET-B.Ed LNMU. "New National Education Policy 2023."
Brain Wonders. "National Education Policy 2023."
National Education Policy 2023." Ministry of Education, Government of India,
Radhika. A
Professor of English
Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor
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