Refund or Revamp?

 Years ago, after the completion of Plus Two, a get-together was convened. It was to collect the original mark lists. By that time, most of the classmates had already joined UG courses. One of us got into a college in Bangalore (now Bengaluru). We were asked to come forward and speak about our experience at the school! No one came forward except her! The new city dweller. She jumped off the bench and grabbed the mike. All were surprised to notice the change in her. Though not an introvert, she was not an outspoken character either.

She started with a criticism of the education system prevailing then. Just a month after enrolling in the college in Bangalore, she was confident enough to come forward and speak out! She questioned the college authority on what the two years spent at this school had given us. (She did not ask for a 'refund,' though). She was demanding the outcome of the education!

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is often a subject of discourse in academia. The Four-Year UG Programme is anticipated to meet the requirements of the time. It is a great opportunity for students to decide when to stop the course, what to learn, which discipline to follow, which mode of learning is appropriate for them, and whether the hitherto mandatory project in the final semester becomes optional based on their taste. Instead of stopping learning multiple subjects at the college gate, one shall rethink and choose diverse disciplines according to their personal interest.

To address the often deficiency of syllabus that is prepared by someone outside the teaching community, taught by teachers who have no role in syllabus design, and received by students who rarely know the purpose of the course they learn, the FYUGP opens a pathway! A teacher is let free to design a module of a paper he teaches. This brings some solace to the teacher who is deprived of the right to design a syllabus.

The new program envisages students getting equipped with essential communicative skills, as the syllabus would incorporate modules for lecturing (teachers' favorite), task-based (outcome-based), and a module that the teacher would design. The committee seems to have a vision in which students will have interesting classes with less content and more orientation.

The integration of technology is another interesting factor in FYUGP. Despite the popularity of MOOCs offered by SWAYAM, FYUGP favors students pursuing online courses to acquire the required credit. The courses that are approved by the BoS shall be depended upon by the students. This is yet another area where teachers can act as RPs (Thanks to Covid-19 for transforming teachers into tech-savvy

This is the right time when the education system should revisit and revise the syllabus, as we observe young hearts spreading their wings wide and crossing over the seas to seek education in lands far off sight. Though this revision is not going to force the shutdown of migration, justice to the takers of education can be met to some extent. This write-up is a mere compilation of a workshop attended on FYUGP and cannot be taken for granted. There are more changes going to be witnessed, and the academia is waiting for the end with fingers crossed!! Let's hope that no further alumni would claim for a refund!

Saritha. K, Head, Dept. of English, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna


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