
In the silence, I hear your whispers

A gentle breeze that carries your love

Memories of laughter, tears, and stories

Echoes of a love that will forever be cherished.

Your wrinkled hands, a map of kindness

Guiding me through life's joys and struggles

Your warm smile, a sanctuary of comfort

A haven where I could always find peace.

Rainy nights, spent near you in the bed

Listening to you unfolding ancient stories 

Your eyes, a deep well of wisdom and care

A screen of many stories behind.

In your kitchen, aromas of love and warmth,

Freshly cooked appam, a sweet, sweet treat.

Your recipes, a legacy of tradition and love

Passed down through generations, a treasure to keep.

Your love, a flame that burned bright and true

A constant presence, a guiding light

Though you're gone, your memory stays near

A bittersweet reminder of the love we shared.

In dreams, I see your face, a vision of peace

A gentle soul, a heart full of love.

A part of my heart stopped beating at your departure!

Leaving me cold and lone to remember all the stories you  shared.

Ms. Renjitha. K. R
Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of English, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna


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