The Unbearableness in The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Attachment versus detachment is one of the themes in Milan Kunder’s famous novel, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. It will be always unbearable if one is very much attached and the other one is very much detached in a relationship. Attachment is portrayed as a burden, a weight that ties individuals down to the mundane aspects of life. Here some characters including Thomas and Sabina consider attachment as a burden and that weight will bind humans to the mundane aspects of the worldly life. The hero, Thomas, a womanizer always tries to be detached from all bonds, even from the love bonds that he is involved in. This leads to some psychological imbalances between Tomas and his wife, Teresa, who is unfortunately very attached to her emotions and to the people with whom she is interacting. This novel moves around characters like Tomas, an adulterer and always an example of “lightness” He is free of all heaviness, and attachments and is always free to be mingled with his lovers, with...